

Berens S*, Dong Y*, Fritz N, et al. Serotonin type 3 receptor subunit gene polymorphisms associated with psychosomatic symptoms in irritable bowel syndrome: A multicenter retrospective study[J]. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2022, 28(21):2334-2350. (co-First Author)


W.S. Wang, X.X. Li, Y.H. Zhang, J.J. Zhang, L. Jia. Mycelium polysaccharides of Macrolepiota procera alleviate reproductive impairments induced by nonylphenol. Food & Function, 2022, 13(10), 5794-5806.


Fritz N, Berens S, Dong Y, et al. The serotonin receptor 3E variant is a risk factor for female IBS-D[J]. Journal of Molecular Medicine, 2022, 100(11): 1617-1627.


W.S. Wang #, M. Liu #, M.Y. Zhang, W.X. Sun, J.J. Zhang, L. Jia. Agaricus blazei Murill polysaccharides alleviate oxidative stress and inflammatory responses against liver and lung injury. Food Bioscience, 2022, 47, 101645. (co-First Author)


Sundelin EIO, Midenfjord I, Dong Y, et al. Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and comorbid conditions: Relevance for symptoms and quality of life?[J]. Neurogastroenterology & Motility , 2021, 33.


Dong Y, Baumeister D, Berens S, et al. Stressful life events moderate the relationship between changes in symptom severity and health-related quality of life in patients with irritable bowel syndrome. Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology, 2020, 54(5): 445-451.


Dong Y. The more stressful life events an IBS patient experiences, the less predictable the relationship is between changes in symptom severity and quality of life[J]. Neurogastroenterology & Motility, 2020, 32(1): e13706.


Dong Y, Baumeister D, Berens S, et al. High rates of non-response across treatment attempts in chronic irritable bowel syndrome: results from a follow-up study in tertiary care[J]. Frontiers in psychiatry, 2019, 10: 714. (NEUROGASTROENTEROLOGY - FOCUS ON THE GUT-BRAIN AXIS特刊收录)


W.S. Wang, X.L. Song, Z. Gao, H.J. Zhao, X.X. Wang, M. Liu, L. Jia. Anti-hyperlipidemic, antioxidant and organic protection effects of acidic-extractable polysaccharides from Dictyophora indusiata.International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2019, 129, 281-292.


W.S. Wang, X.L. Song, J.J. Zhang, H.P. Li, M. Liu, Z. Gao, X.X. Wang, L. Jia. Antioxidation, hepaticand renal-protection of water-extractable polysaccharides by Dictyophora indusiata on obese mice.International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2019, 134, 290-301


W.S. Wang #, H.H. Liu #, Y.W. Zhang, Y.B. Feng, F.F. Yuan, X.L. Song, Z. Gao, J.J. Zhang, Z. Song, L.Jia. Antihyperlipidemic and hepatoprotective properties of alkali- and enzyme-extractable polysaccharides by Dictyophora indusiata. Scientific Reports, 2019, 9, 14266.(co-First Author)


Dong Y, Berens S, Eich W, et al. Is body mass index associated with symptom severity and health-related quality of life in irritable bowel syndrome? A cross-sectional study[J]. BMJ open, 2018, 8(10): e019453.


S.S. Li #, H. Liu #, W.S. Wang #, X.X. Wang, C. Zhang, J.J. Zhang, H.J. Jing, Z.Z. Ren, Z. Gao, X.L.Song, L. Jia. Antioxidant and anti-aging effects of acidic-extractable polysaccharides by Agaricus bisporus. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2018, 106, 1297-1306.(co-First Author)


Zhang Y, Hao P, Yuan X, Zhang G#, Dong Y#. The significate of IGF-1 and IGF-1R in reducing PTSD cognitive function symptoms. Annales Médico-psychologiques, revue psychiatrique. Elsevier Masson, 2017, 175(10): 889-893. (co-corresponding author)


S.S. Li #, J. Li #, J.J. Zhang #, W.S. Wang #, X.X. Wang, H.J. Jing, Z.Z. Ren, Z. Gao, X.L. Song, Z.Y.Gong, L. Jia. The antioxidative, antiaging, and hepatoprotective effects of alkali-extractable polysaccharides by Agaricus bisporus. Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2017, 2017, 1-12.(co-First Author)


Dong Y, Zhang G, Yuan X, et al. Telomere length and telomere repeating factors: cellular markers for post-traumatic stress disorder-like model[J]. Journal of Affective Disorders, 2016, 195: 156-162.


袁秀玉, 董原君, 梁霞, . 创伤性应激对大鼠海马 BDNF 表达的影响[J]. 山东大学学报(医学版), 2016, 54(4): 37-41. Yuan X, Dong Y, Lang X, et al. Effect of post-traumatic stress on hippocampal BDNF expression in rats. Journal of Shandong University (Health Sciences), 2016, 54(4): 37-41.


张跃奇, 陆可可, 张玉梅, 薛辰霞, 董原君, 张桂青. 基于 BOLD-fMRI 技术的创伤后应激障碍患者大脑功能局部一致性观察[J]. 山东医药, 2016, 56(34): 60-62. Zhang Y, Lu K, Zhang Y, Xue C, Dong Y, Zhang G. Observation of local consistency of brain function in patients with post-traumatic stress disorder based on BOLD-fMRI technique. Journal of Shandong Medicine, 2016,56 (34): 60-62.


陆可可, 薛辰霞, 董原君, . 创伤后应激障碍患者的自传体记忆损害情况观察[J]. 山东医药, 2016, 56(10): 70-71. Lu K, Xue C, Dong Y, et al. Observation of autobiographical memory impairment in patients with post-traumatic stress disorder. Journal of Shandong Medicine, 2016, 56(10): 70-71.


袁秀玉, 董原君, 梁霞, . 创伤后应激障碍样大鼠血液中 BDNF mRNA 的表达水平[J]. 实用医学杂志, 2016, 16(05): 712-714. Yuan X, Dong Y, Liang X, et al. Expression of BDNF mRNA in blood of post-traumatic stress disorder-like rats. Journal of practical Medicine. 2016, 16(05): 712-714.


薛辰霞, 张志强, 祁鸣, 陆可可, 董原君, 张桂青. 创伤后应激障碍患者症状与焦虑, 抑郁情绪的关系[J]. 山东医药, 2015, 55(34): 78-80. Xue C, Zhang Z, Qi M, Lu K, Dong Y, Zhang Guiqing. Relationship between symptoms and anxiety and depression in patients with post-traumatic stress disorder. Journal of Shandong medicine, 2015, 55(34): 78-80.


Dong Y, Zhang G. Does Increased IGF-1 Concentration Have a Clear Positive Significance in Reducing Depression and Posttraumatic Arousal Symptoms?[J]. Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, 2015, 11(10): 1243-1243.


董原君, 张跃奇, 胡敏, . 催产素对大鼠创伤后应激障碍的预防作用[J]. 山东医药, 2015 (41): 20-22. Dong Y, Zhang Y, Hu M, et al. Preventive effect of oxytocin on post-traumatic stress disorder in rats. Journal of Shandong medicine, 2015 (41): 20-22.


董原君, 张桂青. 创伤后应激障碍与衰老[J]. 中国健康心理学杂志, 2015, 23(8): 1256-1260. Dong Y, Zhang G. Post-traumatic stress disorder and aging. Chinese Journal of Health Psychology, 2015,23 (8): 1256-1260.



《疑难杂症中的心身疾病》(张桂青 董原君 李林丰),人民卫生出版社出版.



董原君. 康复特色应用心理学本科专  业初探. 北大医学办学110周年学术论坛-心理学与医学的融合创新, 北京, 25.09.2022.


Dong Y. Polymorphisms of the Serotonin Type 3 Receptor Subunit Genes Associated with Depressive and Anxiety Symptoms in Irritable Bowel Syndrome: a Multi-Center Observational Study. Jahrestagung 2021 der Deutschen Gesellschaft fuer Neurogastroenterologie und Motilitaet e.V. (DGNM2021), Germany, Berlin, 06-07.03.2021.


Sundelin E.I.O, Midenfjord I, Dong Y, et al. Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and comorbid conditions: Relevance for symptoms and quality of life? European Society of Neurogastroenterology and Motility (ESNM) NeuroGASTRO Digital Meeting (02-04.09.2021).


Dong Y. High rates of non-response across treatment attempts in chronic IBS: results from a follow-up study in tertiary care. 中华医学会25届心身医学分会暨心身医学国  际论坛CSPM 2019.


Dong Y. Stressful life events moderate the relationship of changes in symptom severity and health-related quality of life in chronic IBS.中华医学会25届心身医学分会暨心身医学国  际论坛CSPM 2019.


L Han#, R Sun#, F Gao, et al. The effect of negative energy news on social trust and helping behavior. Comput. Hum. Behav. 2019.92,C (Mar 2019), 128–138. (co-First Author)


Han, L.#, Sun, R#., Sun, Y., et al. Reactions and gender differences to online pictures of covered sexual organs among heterosexual young adults—Studies based on behavior, eye movement and ERP. Computers in Human Behavior, 2020.111, Article 106425. (co-First Author)


Liu C, Zhao N and Dong Y. Editorial: Basic and clinical research on neurostimulation techniques in major depressive disorder[J]. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 2023, 14:1287617. (Corresponding author)


Sun, R., Fietz, J., Erhart, M., et al. Free-viewing gaze patterns reveal a mood-congruency bias in MDD during an affective fMRI/eye-tracking task. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, 2024. 274(3), 559–571.


Xia X, Li Y, Song Y, Dong Y, et al. Modulation of intracortical circuits in primary motor cortex during automatic action tendencies. Brain Struct Funct. 2024 May;229(4):909-918.

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